Project SACHA – Educational Community Health in Haiti
After participating in PROCEDH 1 and 2, ESN continues its involvement in the Port-au-Prince community with a project to mobilise the Haitian civil society around promoting health in school for a high-quality education. This project is supported in Haiti by the Centre d’entrainement aux méthodes d’éducation active – Haiti (CEMEA-Haiti). In Belgium, the partners are SOLIDARIS and the Laïcité et Humanisme en Afrique Centrale (LHAC) association. The project is supported by Wallonia-Brussels International.

The aim of the SACHA project is to contribute to improving learning and teaching conditions in six schools in Port-au-Prince, of which two are secondary schools and four are local schools. Through these six pilot schools, the project will benefit 9,000 students and their parents, 460 school staff, four education unions that are members of Education International and their members, and the other actors around them.
To achieve the overall objective, there are three specific objectives:
- Objective 1: Strengthen, over three years, the establishment of local, multi-stakeholder decision-making and participatory bodies in the form of Health, Citizenship and Social Protection Education Committees (CESCPS) in pilot schools.
- Objective 2: Raise awareness and mobilise the six participating schools’ teaching staff around the issues of health and well-being at work and social protection.
- Objective 3: Contribute to the creation of a model for promoting health and well-being among Haitian educational communities.
As a continuation of the efforts initiated under PROCEDH II, ESN will support the strengthening of CESCPS. Composed of students, teachers, students’ parents, management members and support staff, the CESCPS need to ensure their sustainability, in particular by continuing to structure, increasing their members’ skills and by continuing to implement projects to promote health and well-being.
ESN’s objective over the three years is to achieve empowerment of these health promotion school bodies. The project provides for a participatory and multi-stakeholder approach.