Education and Solidarity Network

UHC in Africa: Senegal and the Ivory Coast in the course

Education and Solidarity Network
September 13, 2017

After the speeches, the African states are taking action. Senegal and the Ivory Coast launched the implementation of universal health coverage (UHC) this year.

Since May 2017, there are about 800,000 Ivory Coast students who are registered with the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie (National Health Insurance Fund) as part of the UHC implementation experimental phase. Many students were able to take advantage of the first services, encouraging their peers to enlist in their turn. It is planned to make it available to the entire population in 2018.

In Senegal, implementing the UHC involves about 170 mutual health benefits societies in three pilot areas. These mutuals have been identified having the potential to contribute effectively to the UHC. After six months of implementing it, the penetration rate has gone from 5% to 14%. The objective of the government is to reach 75% of the population. To accelerate the process, the government foresees the recruitment of qualified personnel who can support local authorities and mutual benefit societies. More information is available here.




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