The survey is an initiative of the Education and Solidarity Network (ESN) and the Foundation for Public Health. It is part of a partnership involving Education International (EI) and the UNESCO Chair Global Health and Education.
The first edition of the International Barometer of Education Staff (or I-BEST) was launched in 2021, after 18 months of a global pandemic that required the urgent collection of updated data on the state of personnel as close to the field as possible. With the participation of 8,000 teachers, the results of the first edition provided an unprecedented international comparison of six territories on three continents.
Designed as a biennal survey, the second edition of the I-BEST will be conducted from February to June 2023.

Following its success, new countries have expressed their interest in participating in this second edition. So in 2023, Argentina, Canada (excluding Quebec), Cameroon, Spain, Japan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the United Kingdom, Switzerland (Cantons of Vaud and Geneva) and Taipei will join France, Morocco, Francophone Belgium and Quebec, which had already participated in 2021.
In addition, this new edition will be open to all education staff in addition to teachers and will provide updated data on: working conditions, physical and mental health, work-life balance, and the impact of digital tools.
The results will be published in autumn 2023 and will be accompanied by recommendations for the public authorities.
Vous pourrez suivre les actualités du baromètre I-BEST via cet onglet dédié.
Together, let’s make the health and well-being of education personnel a priority!