Following the publication of the results of the 2021 International Barometer on Educational personnel’s health and well-being in The Gambia, the Education and Solidarity Network (ESN) accompanied and supported the Gambia Teachers Union – GTU (ESN member ) in setting up health and social protection training for the Gambian educational personnel.

The results of the Barometer had indeed highlighted high expectations of Gambian teachers in terms of professional training – 64% believing that they perform tasks for which they need more training and 92% claiming not to have access to training and/or prevention resources in terms of health, well-being and social protection.
The two-day training took place in two different regions of The Gambia from 8-12 February 2022. The 76 trained teachers were sensitized to the importance of health for quality education, to the development of their social protection understanding and to the deepening of their knowledge of approaches and methods to address the health issues with their students.
Experts from GTU and the Gambian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare facilitated the training and addressed a wide range of teacher and student health issues such as mental health, hygiene, well-being, sports activities, health protocols, among others.

The training resulted in the establishment of health clubs in schools by the participants.