The ESN’s General Meeting was held remotely yet again this year. The members met by videoconference on Tuesday 13 July to discuss the items on the agenda of the statutory General Meeting and to share ESN members’ and partners’ initiatives.

Administration of the association and feedback on projects: holding the ESN General Meeting remotely
On the agenda of the ESN General Meeting: the review of the 2020 financial statement, the presentation of the moral report, the 2021 budget as well as the association’s statutory calendar.
In the context of the presentation of the activity report, the General Meeting provided an opportunity to review the latest news on several projects started in 2020, including the presentation of some preliminary results of the first survey of the International Barometer of the Health and Wellbeing of Education Workers, background information on the SACHA project in Haiti, and progress on the French adaptation of the Belgian social protection education game.
Finally, a tribute was also paid to Gareth Young and Jean-Philippe Huchet.

Exchanging good practices internationally: the Network’s solidarity initiatives webinar
Following the General Meeting, the ESN organised a webinar to promote the exchange of experiences between members and partners of the Education and Solidarity Network (ESN), with simultaneous translation in English, Spanish and French, on Zoom.
The webinar was prompted by a number of questions: how have organisations supported and cared for their activists, patients and communities facing the pandemic? How, in the current ecological and social context, can the values of solidarity be kept alive and defended?
The event was an opportunity for ESN members and partners to share their actions and be inspired by those of their international colleagues:
- The support of the Gambian Teachers Union (GTU) to students facing difficulties in accessing schools especially in rural areas.
- The advocacy campaign for the recognition of “long Covid” as an occupational disease for teachers by the NASUWT union in the UK
- Support systems for carers in France by mutual insurance companies and players in the Vyv group.
- Support webinars for health workers or health education aimed at the general public at the Hospital General de México
- The suicide prevention and support systems of the Belgian association “Un pass dans l’impasse”.
- EN3S’s “L’arbre de la sécu” (“Social security tree”), an interactive tool made to reinforce social protection education among young people in France
- The actions of health mutual Teachers’ Health as part of a Reconciliation plan in Australia to create the conditions for greater equity and social inclusion for Aboriginal people
- The mobilisation and awareness campaign on gender equality of the Réseau International des Femmes Solidaires (RIFES) – created by the Programme d’Appui aux Stratégies Mutualistes (PASS)
To watch the webinar: