In 2018, ESN mobilised its members again for World Universal Health Coverage Day. For this new campaign, everyone was invited to take a photo with the following message: “I am proud to support Universal Health Coverage. Together, we can achieve health for all. Join us”. More than 1,100 photos were sent to us by some twenty member organisations and ESN partners. All photos were published on our social networks (Facebook, Twitter) and a poster was created with all of the photos.

Campaign 2019
ESN mutualist and union members came together on 12 December 2017 for World Universal Health Coverage Day (UHC). More than ten testimonials from education professionals from the USA, Madagascar, Gambia, DR Congo, France, Mexico, Niger, Australia and Quebec were collected, illustrated by a cartoonist and published on social networks.
This campaign entitled, “Education workers mobilise for Health For All” was aimed at highlighting the interdependencies between the health and education system and the role that education professionals can play in expanding health coverage. This effort was organised as part of a global campaign for UHC supported by the UHC Coalition, during which more than 125 events were held around the world to advance access to care for all.