AIM members gathered in Berlin from November 15-17, 2021, for Board of Directors meetings, at the invitation of the German hosts, vdek, ikk, Knappschaft and SVLFG. Board of Directors meetings allowed members to discuss the resilience of health systems, social protection, solidarity and youth mobilization, among other topics discussed.
On the first day, the regional commission for Africa and the Middle East focused on healthcare professionals skills development as well as on the the main conclusions of the International Labor Office World Social Protection Report 2020-22. An update was also given on the organization of the next mutualist conference in Dakar in March 2022.
The members of the Latin American Regional Commission, on their side, have committed to obtaining greater participation and mobilization of youth in their organizations through the drafting of a “Mutualist Pledge for the Greater Involvement of Youth in the Movement”.
The second day of the Board of Directors meetings was devoted to the theme of solidarity. On this occasion, Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, recalled that mutual societies have been over the centuries a fundamental component of solidarity and that the European Commission would continue to form a close partnership with mutual societies, particularly in the area of social protection.

In the afternoon, AIM members met in break-out sessions according to languages (EN, FR, DE and SP) to discuss threats on solidarity, the opportunities and what AIM/AIM members could do to promote solidarity. The Education and Solidarity Network participated in the break-out session in Spanish with Elisa Torrenegra, Managing Director of Gestarsalud (ESN member).

The last day ended with a seminar on fair pricing in Europe and the affordability of medicines.
The presentations, meetings and exchange of experiences confirmed the importance for AIM member organizations to work together.
Delegates from member organizations will have the opportunity to meet again in June 2022 in Vienna, for the next AIM General Assembly.
Summary of the AIM General Assembly here