Following the annual general meetings in Lyon (the 7 and 8 July), the board of directors of the MGEN group elected Matthias Savignac as president of the health mutual. The Education and Solidarity Network congratulates him!

New national office and renewal of the board of directors
In the group’s national office, the following have been appointed vice-presidents:
- Florence Babault (Mutual Insurance and Coverage)
- Stéfan Gouzouguec (Mutualist Healthcare Offer)
- Isabelle Rondot (Institutional Relations and Influence)
- Bertrand Souquet (Movements, Institutional and Mutual Life)
The delegates elected the members of the MGEN boards of directors, with one-third of the members renewed, bringing the number of directors to 54 for the MGEN Union (MGEN, MGEN Vie, MGEN Filia, MGEN ASS, MGEN CS, MGEN Partenaires): 26 women and 28 men, that being 48% women.
In addition to the approval of the accounts for the financial year 2020, the management reports and the amendments to the Articles of Association and the mutualist regulations, proposals for the development or adjustment of offers and benefits were presented, in particular the Disability Allowance guarantee.
Among other topics on the agenda of the General Meetings, the Group unveiled and adopted its Raison d’Être (Purpose).
Raison d’Être of MGEN
In order to enshrine its commitments in its articles of association, the MGEN group has been working for a few months now to define its Raison d’Être with its 10,000 employees, 3,000 activists, members and partners, totalling over 9,000 contributors. This process was completed at its General Meetings, with the adoption of the policy by the nearly 600 delegates gathered.
Aimed at proudly affirming the MGEN group’s mutualist DNA, the strengths that bring it together, in coherence with its history and its future, the “Raison d’Être” will guide the health mutual in its future choices as well as in the development of activities in line with its identity and vocation, while opening up fields of innovation. The Raison d’Être will inform its strategy in the face of current and future challenges, as well as its commitments and actions over time.
At the General Meetings in July 2021, the Raison d’Être was adopted and enshrined in a new preamble to its articles of association:
“Committed to social progress and the health of everyone,
We, a mutualist collective serving the general interest, shall take care
of each other throughout our lives.”
This is accompanied by four principles of action:
– Inventing bold and sustainable solutions every day, reconciling solidarity, performance and response to individual needs, by mobilising all our expertise and our partners;
– Fostering close human relationships to enable each person to be an actor in his or her own health and career;
– Opening up spaces for activist engagement to members and staff and to continuously enrich our democratic dialogue;
– Make education and prevention the pillars of our action for emancipation
Key figures for MGEN in 2020
- More than 4.2 million people protected
- 3.3 million insured persons managed under Social Security
- 3,324 beds and places in our establishments (SSR, MCO, Ehpad, Mental Health, Disability)
- 9,905 employees, including 4,069 in medical and dental establishments and centres
- 3,500 activists (elected or seconded)