I-BEST 2023 Posters Award

The Global Meeting of ESN will be an opportunity to discuss the results of the 2023 International Barometer of Health and Well-being of Education Staff (I-BEST) survey during a Solutions Forum. The Solutions Forum take shape of workshops addressing key themes emerging from the results of the 2023 I-BEST.
Members and partners of the Education and Solidarity Network are invited to participate to the “I-BEST Poster Awards” submitting a poster and sharing their initiatives on improving the health and well-being of educational staff. We’ve provided a poster template (downloadable below), but you can let your creativity run wild!
As part of the Solutions forum, this poster exhibition will be one of the highlights of the ESN General Assembly in Buenos Aires promoting good practices for improving the health and well-being of education staff.
Submission and selection procedure
Please send the poster in PPT format, by e-mail no later than July 9, 2024, to the following address: secretariat@educationsolidarite.org
Posters can be designed and sent in French, English or Spanish.
An initial selection will be made by a jury made up of members of the ESN and the UNESCO GHE Chair, who will evaluate all the proposals received. A notification of acceptance, request for clarification, modification or refusal will be sent to each author.
The selected posters will then be exhibited and voted for online on the ESN website from the third week of July , and physically at the I-BEST Solutions Forum on July 27, 2024 in Buenos Aires.