FILGOOD is a digital tool for collective and participative diagnosis of student’s well-being that promotes the mobilization of the educational community around a project of promotion and health education at school.
In France, the Mutuelle Générale de l’Education Nationale (MGEN) has developed an innovative tool, allowing schools to carry out a collective and participatory diagnosis of the physical, mental and social well-being of students. This tool has been used by MGEN in around a hundred schools in the Rhône-Alpes region, by more than 20,000 students. The local success of this tool led MGEN and ADOSEN to digitise it. The online application, named FilGood, was launched in January 2017.

The device was presented to several ESN members and partners who wanted to test it in pilot schools. The first tests were launched in 2016, in Belgium with Solidaris and its youth association Latitudes Jeunes and in Germany with the Landkreis de Kassel. Since then, ESN has organised several European seminars to create a network of European actors and a community of practice around FilGood and health promotion & education at school. Today this partnership includes France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden and Romania.

FilGood, how does it work?
FilGood allows any educational professional to survey their class with a quick 16-question questionnaire covering five areas of young people’s daily lives: lifestyle, high-risk behaviours, self-esteem, family life, social support. Students are able to assess the gap between what they consider important or not for their health (perceived health) and their actual behaviour (lived health). The individual results are communicated to the students in the form of a graph and used as a basis for discussion within groups. Statistical analysis of anonymously collected data allows educational institutions to prioritise health initiatives in comparison with national surveys.