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XXII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2021

From Monday 20 September 2021 
to Thursday 23 September 2021

In light of public health guidance regarding COVID-19, the International Organizing Committee has taken the difficult decision to postpone the XXII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work to 19–22 September 2021. The good news is that the XXII World Congress will still take place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in the heart of downtown Toronto, Canada.

For the occasion of this World Congress the ISSA is presenting the Vision Zero strategy, which was launched as a campaign during the last Word Congress. It promotes a global prevention culture, in which strategies for occupational safety and health are not limited to the workplace, but also contribute to human well-being and benefit economies and societies.

The Conference motto, “Prevention in the Connected Age – Global solutions to achieve safe & healthy work for all”, goes hand in hand with the ISSA’s Innovation programme and its Digital Economy and Social Security Observatory. The Digital Economy will profoundly impact how to address workplace safety and health.


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