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Webinar “Decent work for early childhood education workers: ten years after the adoption of the ILO guidelines, where do we stand today?

From Thursday 30 November 2023 
to Thursday 30 November 2023
 - 16:30
(Paris/Brussels Time)

During this webinar, a number of researchers, trade union members and representatives from the ILO, UNESCO and the OECD will look at the latest developments in the sector – particularly in terms of the status and working conditions of ECE staff – and examine the implementation of the ILO guidelines and the ways in which they can help to address new trends.

The webinar will also provide an opportunity to discuss the results of the study analysing the progress made in implementing the ILO Guidelines on the Promotion of Decent Work for Early Childhood Education Personnel and what they can contribute, as well as to exchange views on the data from the recently published International Barometer of Educational Staff Health and Well-being (I-BEST). This barometer provides important insights into the health and well-being of ECE staff in many countries including Argentina, Cameroon, Canada and France, among others.

You can register for the webinar by clicking here. Once you have registered, you will receive a link to the webinar. Interpretation will be provided in English, French and Spanish.


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