From 28 to 30 January, the ESN proposed a study trip to Glasgow, Scotland, to its members. Jointly organised with SHE Consultancy, Education Scotland and the UK teachers’ union NASUWT, the purpose of this trip was for participants to reflect on health and wellbeing policies and practices at school from the Scottish model.
After an initial welcome evening and presentation of the Curriculum for Excellence and the NASUWT union, participants spent a day within the Stirling council area to visit two schools: Doune primary school and Wallace High School in Stirling. This was an opportunity for our members to talk with the teaching staff and pupils, and to see concrete examples of projects promoting health and wellbeing implemented in a school environment.
On returning to Glasgow, participants shared a cultural and enjoyable outing visiting the House for an Art Lover, built from the drawings of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, a famous Scottish architect and designer at the end of the 19th – start of the 20th century. It is within this magnificent setting that a second presentation evening took place on empirical research and indicators of health and wellbeing.
A morning of exchanging knowledge and good practices, organised in the offices of Education Scotland, brought our trip to a close with the following programme: a presentation by Strathclyde University on a pilot research project on youth participation, a presentation by NASUWT on the results of surveys conducted in 2011 and 2017 concerning the health and wellbeing of teachers in the UK, and a presentation of the FILGOOD tool by MGEN-ADOSEN.
With the success of this first trip, the ESN plans to organise and propose other study trips to its members and partners.