Barometer I-BEST 2023
How are the health and well-being of education staff shaping the future ?
The Education and Solidarity Network and the Foundation for Public Health, in partnership with Education International and the UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education, have launched the 2nd edition of the International Barometer of the Health and Wellbeing of Education Personnel (I-BEST) in 2023.
The results of the first edition of I-BEST showed clearly that teachers around the world have been affected by the health crisis. They also suggested that while the Covid-19 crisis had disrupted the fragile work/life balance that existed, it had also exacerbated pre-existing issues in the teaching sector. In particular, those relating to societal appreciation, staff pay and the worrying trivialization of violence in schools.
The results of the second edition, for 2023, also clearly show that there has been no overall change in the situation, even though local realities remain unique and varied.
The following global trends emerge from the report:
- Overall, the use of digital technology is well established, although it remains a source of stress for staff.
- Job dissatisfaction remains high, despite an overall workload of around 40 hours a week
- The school climate and social relations at work are a resource to be exploited and developed further
- The quality of life of teachers in the countries surveyed is mixed: their health is generally good, but the decline in their mental health is a cause for concern.
- Focus on early childhood workers: 10 years after the ILO directives, where do we stand today?
For a more in-depth analysis, consult the full set of I-BEST 2023 results.