Last 14 October, the ESN took part in a working day on the Open Forum methodology, organised by Thierry Weishaupt (MGEN China) and Danaë Desplanques, on the theme of “(Re)launching mutuality in 2018?”. This day brought to light a number of topics such as:
- Community, market, common health goods
- What is mutuality and why relaunch it?
- Participation solidarity, equality and motivation
- How to reconcile the “not for profit” essence of mutuality and economic imperatives?
- International and mutuality
- Modernise the image
- Youth
Several courses of action were also discussed (online forums, workshops debates in schools, establishing an international fund etc.) and should be explored more concretely in the coming months. In addition, we would like to highlight the presence of Rui Ren and Rui Xu, members of the MGEN China team, who we had the pleasure of working with during their secondment in Paris at the end of October. Xièxiè nimen, hen kuai jian dao nimen!