Education and Solidarity Network

ESN/SHE joint seminar: plenty of projects at hotel La Verrière

Education and Solidarity Network
October 24, 2016

The Education and Solidarity Network (ESN) and the School for health in Europe Network (SHE) in partnership with the French healthcare mutual MGEN organised, in a castle in Paris, a collaborative seminar on the theme of improving education through health and well-being at school. Participants came from very different horizons of the education and health promotion world: education unions, researchers, international organisations, non-profit healthcare. They had the opportunity to get to know each other, identify complementary areas and explore possible collaborations between the ESN and SHE networks.

During the seminar, eight projects have been designed. Four of them have been selected to be further developed. Participants could make a video pitch for each of those 4 final projects. Videos are available here. Examples of designed projects are: 10 days of activism to promote health at school, a project incubator to spot and boost innovative health promotion projects, or a joint ESN/SHE summer school.




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