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Education and Solidarity Network

When tech innovations could ease access to education

Education and Solidarity Network
October 3, 2016

Some bright spirits have decided to put their genius at the service of education in order to make it available in some of the world’s hardest places to reach. Among many inventions quoted in this article, there is this soccer ball gathering energy each time it’s kicked or the jump rope collecting energy with every swing. Energy is then converted into light, which enables children to study into darkness. There is also this giant shipping container in India which provides computers to students in remote locations or the cell phone which records and distributes local stories to improve literacy rates of kids. Phones are used as well to record voicemails delivering educational messages for illiterate parents on how to care for, and educate, their young children. Without replacing the role of governments, education professionals and unions in the development of free and quality education for all, these small initiatives can definitely contribute to improve pupils lives. More inventions are to discover here.


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