
MGEN celebrates 15 years of promoting the health and well-being of educational staff worldwide

Education and Solidarity Network
September 28, 2024

Press release, September 10, 2024

On the occasion of the 10th World Congress of Education International (EI), held in Buenos Aires on July 27, MGEN celebrated its 15-year commitment to the Education and Solidarity Network, bringing together 250 trade union representatives, mutualists and researchers from around the world at a meeting entitled “Meeting the challenges and sharing solutions for the health and well-being of education personnel“.

Organized in partnership with the UNESCO EducationS & Health Chair, this event demonstrates the need to address the well-being of teachers and educational support staff as an essential component of quality education.

Convinced that education and health are interdependent and at the heart of all human development, MGEN and Education International created the Education and Solidarity Network (RES) 15 years ago to build bridges between education, health and social protection players.

In her opening address, Clotilde Truffaut (MGEN Board member) reminded the audience of the commitments and challenges shared with the trade unions: “We, mutual insurance companies and trade unions, who defend access for all to quality education and health systems, must join forces and make a common plea, along with other defenders of solidarity, public services and democracy, to enable everyone to enjoy the inalienable rights inherent to their person.

David Edwards, EI General Secretary, said, “Aspects relating to health, wellbeing and social care have never been more relevant to the education sector. The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the importance of fostering healthy and safe educational environments for staff and students, highlighting the crucial role of mental health support.

The event was organized around several key sessions, starting with a debate featuring experts from various international organizations, who offered an overview of the current state of health and well-being of educational staff around the world. The 250 participants were then divided into 13 simultaneous collective intelligence workshops (Solutions Forum), which enabled each participant to share their experiences in their own country, to testify to inspiring initiatives and, finally, to mutually identify solutions in terms of health prevention and promotion, work environments conducive to well-being, and awareness of social protection. The results of these workshops will be compiled in a report and recommendations to be shared on ESN’s website in autumn 2024.

The well-being of educational staff was also at the heart of the 10th EI World Congress, with the organization of a workshop entitled “Well-being at work: promoting the well-being of teachers”, featuring Clotilde Truffaut.

Finally, MGEN welcomes the adoption at this congress by 1200 union representatives of a resolution on well-being and mental health, advocating global well-being policies, encouraging mental health initiatives and supporting the professional development of educators. It aims to create a global movement to improve the well-being of educational staff and ensure they receive the support they need.

MGEN is the leading mutual insurance company for civil servants in France, but it also has an international presence: it provides health and provident cover for 34,000 people (members and their families) from the educational community employed abroad or in overseas collectivities. It covers 270,000 people on long-term international assignments. Numerous NGOs have chosen MGEN: the French Red Cross, Solidarités International, Handicap International, Médecins du Monde… Finally, MGEN is the 5th insurer in Portugal, where it covers 142,000 people.

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