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Education and Solidarity Network

Launch of the SACHA Project – Health for the Education Community in Haïti

Education and Solidarity Network
November 30, 2018

We are particularly happy to announce the launch of the SACHA project that the Education and Solidarity Network is coordinating in partnership with CEMEA-Haïti.

SACHA is a Belgo-Haitian project supported by Wallonia-Brussels International. It aims to help improve education quality through the promotion of health and wellbeing at school. It has three areas of focus:

–          Strengthening the Committees for Education on Health, Citizenship and Social Protection in 6 education communities of Port-au-Prince.

–          Mobilising teaching staff around issues of health, citizenship and social protection

–          A Research-Action approach

A video providing an overview of the project is available here (FR). The project is presented in depth here.

Between 5 and 14 October, the ESN welcomed the president and secretary general of Céméa-Haïti, who were visiting Paris and Brussels to take part in several training courses relating to the project’s setup. In addition to training on collective intelligence and development, a number of meetings with the project’s Belgian and French partners were organised: Solidarité Laïque, Solidaris, Laïcité et Humanisme en Afrique Centrale, Céméa International Federation, Latitudes Jeunes, Céméa-Belgique, Haitian Embassy in Belgium, Solidaris, the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies, Education International, MGEN and Wallonia-Brussels International. These discussions and exchanges of practices were an opportunity to talk about the synergies to be created in order to share powers and capitalise on the experiences of each entity.

The project is soon to get underway in Haiti with the initial committees’ meetings and the organisation of a large open forum in Port-au-Prince in January 2019 to which all members of the Port-au-Prince educational community will be invited.

ESN and MGEN welcomed Ceméa-Haïti representatives

Participation to a training on collective intelligence tools

Participation to a training for the organization of an Open Forum

Meeting with Education International

Meeting with the Haitian ambassador in Belgium

Meeting with Latitudes Jeunes, partner of SACHA project

Meeting with Laïcité et Humanisme en Afrique Centrale




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